JDownloader 2 – Retrieve downloads and download from streaming video

JDownloader 2
Review of: JDownloader 2

Reviewed by:
On November 19, 2016
Last modified:March 17, 2019


Great application for download management
No invasive and very intuitive.
It handles different types of data sources from which to download.
Totally free.

Hello everyone, today my article concerns an application that we should all have installed on our PC, that is JDownloader 2.

How many times during a download of a large file you happen to lose your connection, or worse yet own a not very stable line that is often disconnected from the network.

I guess, if this happens to 99% of downloading a file of a few gigs, it can spin the boxes (not to say anything else) not a little.

The solution to this problem is to use a download manager, we can find several around the net.

I have tried many of these programs so far and the best of all is definitely JDownloader 2.

Download app from play store


JDownloader 2 – Introduction

JDownloader 2 is a totally free download manager (I’ll be sorry, but I think this factor never hurts), open source and a community of developers that follow the project very actively.

In the program there are all the classic features of a download manager, ie, pause, stop, retrieve the download when disconnected.

In addition there are some features a bit more advanced.

For example, you can limit download bandwidth so you do not block other features like surfing or playing online.

Or you can automatically extract any downloaded archives, very useful features when downloading very large files and you are not in the workplace (for example downloading files at night).

For those who have tried some other download manager, surely you will be wondering why you should indicate JDownloader 2 as the best, if these features that I just listed also owns its application?

Simple, all other programs of this type have never really satisfied me like JDownloader 2.

Some examples of problems encountered on other downloader:

  • Difficult to recover the address from which to download, with JDownloader 2, the address is automatically set when the copy is made with the CTRL-C. If the url you are copying has multiple objects inside it (such as a web page), you will be offered the download of each single component on the page, whether it’s images or videos or link to files. In the worst case in which JDownloader can not retrieve the link to the CTRL-C, you can always add the url manually by simply clicking on the add button and copying the link in the field that will be shown.
  • Too invasive Programs. In some cases I realized that the download manager became a real ball to the foot, since anything that I was going to click on the browser for that program became a download link. This does not happen with JDownloader 2, because the links are retrieved not from the click on the page, but as mentioned earlier in the copy.
  • Difficulty of use. It may sound strange, but some download managers are difficult to use with interfaces that are often unclear. In this case, using them instead of simplifying life, complicates it.


JDownloader 2 – not just a download manager

In addition to what has been said so far, JDownloader 2 offers additional features that make it truly unique.

In fact, the application allows you to download any type of streaming video or audio or from any sharing site.

This is done thanks to the continuous updating of the application which allows you to capture the different configurations directly from the inserted url and automatically configures the download to be started.

This means, for example, that you can download your favorite video from YouTube or any other video display site through JDownloader 2.

In addition to streaming video downloads, JDownloader 2 can easily download from most sharing sites.

Also in this case its power lies in the ease in which the application connects to the different types of servers, completely transparent to the user user.


JDownloader 2 – how to use

In this section I will explain the basics of using JDownloader 2.

JDownloader 2 main screen

  1. Download. Section where the download starts. From this section, through the top left buttons, you can start downloading, pausing or stopping it.
  2. Capture links. Section where urls will be copied through CTRL-C. From this section you can select the desired link and start the download.
  3. Settings. Section where you can configure the application. For example, the folder where your downloads will be stored, or the maximum number of downloads at a time, or the maximum number of download segments.

The normal operation of the application is as follows:

  • Start the application.
  • Copy an url, which is a link to the page you are visiting, or an address that has passed a friend.
  • The application will automatically copy your url into the capture links section.
  • If the URL you are copying is a single object (a file, a video etc), you will find in the section, the full address of the information about the object as the size of the type etc and you can start up the download.
  • If the url is a page on a web site, JDownloader 2 will show in this section all possible downloadable objects, images, videos, files etc. Again, you can choose what to download and start downloading.
  • After the download starts, all you have to do is wait for the end. Normally, as soon as this happens, you will have your downloaded object in the folder you chose for downloads, and if it is a compressed file, you will also have the extracted folder with the extracted files.
  • This will happen quite automatically even if your connection has disconnection problems. The application after a disconnection, retrieves the active downloads and continues without any problems.
  • If you who want to close the program, because you have to leave, or you have to go to bed and do not let your PC access to the night, in this case, when you want to resume the download, simply restart JDownloader 2, and use the arrow button to restore all the active download.



JDownloader 2 is absolutely a must for your PC.

Is it free, is it stable, is constantly updating and almost does it even make you the coffee you want most from a download manager?


As usual i ask you your opinions about it.

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Your every intervention is a motivation for me to keep writing and keeping the blog updated.


Hi and to the next time.


4/5 - (3 votes)

Post Author: dnavideochannel

6 thoughts on “JDownloader 2 – Retrieve downloads and download from streaming video


    (Thursday May 16th, 2019 - 05:36 PM)

    Si è fantastico! Ma non capisco come mai non scarica dal sito : il genio dello streaming…


      (Thursday May 16th, 2019 - 06:52 PM)

      Solitamente si procede inserendo l’url dove si trova il file o il video sul jdownloader2 e successivamente da li si recuperano il file o i file di nostro interesse.
      Bisogna tenere sempre aggiornato l’applicativo perchè così facendo riesce a catturare una quantità maggiori di link.


    (Sunday May 23rd, 2021 - 06:30 PM)

    dovrei recuperare le cartelle e i i files che erano già regolarmente già scaricati ma che per mio errore ho cancellato – da JDownloader2: è possibile? come devo procedere? grazie 1000! angelo@apocalisse.net


      (Monday May 24th, 2021 - 08:59 AM)

      Se li hai cancellati da JDownloader però non li hai rimossi da filesystem, li dovresti ancora trovare nella cartella in cui scarica il jdownloader2.
      Se quando li hai cancellati hai scelto l’opzione di rimozione anche da filesystem prova a controllare il cestino. Altrimenti l’unico modo che hai per recuperare i file in generale e non solo per jdownloader2 è quello di usare delle applicazioni che recuperano i file cancellati.


    (Saturday May 29th, 2021 - 02:10 AM)

    Ciao Andrea. Ti chiedo cortesemente come fare per salvare o accedere al database che il programma fa riguardo alle informazioni relative ai download effettuati e in attesa. Con una delle opzione è possibile solo copiare i link ma non il nome dei file. Grazie. Bruno


      (Tuesday June 1st, 2021 - 08:43 AM)

      Ciao Bruno, che io sappia tutta la configurazione del jdownloader sta sotto la sua cartella cfg compresi i vari download in corso. Al momento non ho sottomano il programma e non posso verificare, ma appena verifico ti dico di più. PS: scusare il ritardo nella risposta ma non avevo visto il commento. Andrea.

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