Cheat Engine Soda Dungeon – Trick for Android game

Welcome back Videos channeler, today’s article “Cheat Engine Soda Dungeon”, concerns a trick for the game included in the list of top games a few weeks ago, or Soda Dungeon.

Here you can find the article if you want to have a look: The best free offline games for Android – Gameplay

The cheat in question allows us to increase without limit the amount of money available to us, allowing us to purchase the different upgrades without too much trouble.

To do this, we will use the technique explained in this article and we will use the Bluestacks and Cheat Engine emulator.

In this video you will find in detail what will be explained in the following article:


Cheat Engine Soda Dungeon – We find the cheat

The first step to finding the cheat is to reduce the amount of money available under the thousands to make the whole value readable, otherwise it is approximated and becomes unusable.

Then we launch Cheat Engine and search for the entire memory area, see the guide above if you have not already done so or do not know how to do it.

Cheat Engine Soda Dungeon Configuration

We put the value we are seeing in the game (948)

Cheat Engine Soda Dungeon inserts first value

and we start the search.

If we are lucky we might find the value sought after the first step of searching, however, almost certainly one or more additional steps will be required.

Edit the value game and we use this value to continue the search research

Cheat Engine Soda Dungeon insertion second value

After the search, if you are lucky as in my case you will find a single value.

If not, you can still continue the process just described since it does not find the desired value.

Cheat Engine Soda Dungeon change value

Nel nostro esempio, come potete vedere dalla figura, abbiamo trovato un unico valore.

I passi da svolgere sono:

  1. Select the address founded, and copy it to the list as shown in figure 2
  2. Make the double click on the value, it will open the window of step 3
  3. In this window you can now increase the amount of money available. Enter the value and press ok to confirm the change. Use the money as you like and they want you still can change this value as often as you want.

Cheat Engine Soda Dungeon Modifies Million Value

And the result is something like this image.


Cheat Engine Soda Dungeon – Conclusion

And here we are to the final considerations.

This game lends itself very much to the use of Cheat Engine as it is really very easy to find the value to be modified and then its use does not require any attention.

I will never cease to advise you not to spoil the game exaggerating with cheat and be limited in its use.

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Hi and to next time


Post Author: dnavideochannel

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