Game description – Epic Battle Fantasy 4
Well-found friends, the game I wanted to propose today to play with us is Epic Battle Fantasy 4.
The game in question can be classified as a fantasy role playing game with a turn-by-turn system like the classic final fantasy (I always use final fantasy as an example because it seems to me to be a milestone in this field).
In this fourth chapter of the famous saga, we will face over 120 types of monsters, using over 140 different equipment items and over 130 different types of skills (at least, as the programmers says, i did not count them sincerely).
I must say that this new chapter not really differ that much from their predecessors, which could be good for fans or bad for those who do not expect big news.
However we see some pictures of the game.
Instructions – Epic Battle Fantasy 4
The game controls are very simple, the mouse is masterful, but for keyboard lovers (in some cases i have seen really strange guys kissing their keyboard) you can move around using the arrow keys classes.
Be careful do not to delete cookies (some of you will say “What are the cookies?”, then ignore this phrase), as you will lose your game’s bail.
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