Description of the game Learn to Fly 2
In Learn to Fly 2 you play as a cute penguin who is trying to learn to fly.
Taken around by his eternal rival, who does not believe that he will ever fly, he will try at all costs to take revenge and to prove that even penguins can fly.
Instructions for playing Learn to Fly 2
Follow these brief instructions to play Learn to Fly 2.
To move the penguin, use the left / right arrow or the letters A and D.
The space bar is used to activate the boost
Finally, with any other key you can activate the special sleds.
(All controls can be customized in the options menu, with the possibility of using the mouse instead of the keyboard)
With every flight attempt you will earn money to invest in ever better equipment to reach greater distances.
Keep on collecting money and upgrades until you succeed in your purpose and prove you have managed to fly.
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