Pocket Monster – Pokemon invasion on Android/IOS – Video Review Gameplay

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Pocket Monster
Review of: Pocket Monster
Free with app purchase

Reviewed by:
On June 23, 2017
Last modified:March 17, 2019


Nice game set in pokemon world. Graphics and fights like the old Nintendo games.
Very linear and without exploration.
Energy gains slowly over time.

Pocket Monster – Pokemon center

It would not be a true pokemon game if you miss the Pokemon Center and Pocket Monster could not disappoint in this regard.

Pocket Monster pokemon center

The pokemon center will have the task of healing our fighter monsters from the damage done to the battle.

Be careful not to face too challenging challenges as the pokemon center uses count, after that, you will have to wait to recover the use of the pokemon center.


Pocket Monster – Adventure mode

If you thought of emulating Ash’s gesture and good company, traveling around the world looking for new pokemons in the high grass, well … forget it.

In Pocket Monster there is no open world to explore, instead everything is based on the concept of the next mission.

Pocket Monster - Challenges in the adventure

When you face a gym for example, we have to beat the lower-level NPC to move to the next until you get to the gym leader.

It is true that in a sense even for console versions, the substance was this.

But one thing is moving around the world and being forced into a challenge, while another is clicking on the next character to face it.


Pocket Monster – Combat

What you will find unchanged in Pocket Monster is definitely the classic Pokemon battles.

Pocket Monster combat

We will have a unique monster active at a time, which has its own abilities and between which we can choose to use it against the enemy Pokemon.

As we mentioned before we can have up to six pokemon team.

Always apply the rules of elemental advantages and disadvantages, which are clearly indicated in the game by a green up or down arrow.

Finally we can capture Pokemon not owned by any coach, using the classic pokeball, reducing pokemon opponent to dying, to have the hope of capturing and taking care not to exaggerate in order not to burst hopeless.

Pocket Monster – And the pvp?

You will be wondering if there is a pvp mode in play.

Do not worry, if you look at the first image of the article, the center is indicated precisely fits the area where to go to look for some opponent to play against and to beat.

Always apply the same rules of the Pokemon battle.


Pocket Monster – Conclusions

We come to conclusions and we draw conclusions on what we saw on Pocket Monster.

The game maintains some promises that were made before downloading the game.

We are talking about a good product that remembers the pokemon games of the past, both in terms of graphics and combat level and monster management.

I do not like the choice of energy use, because I find it useless in such games and only useful to make cash.

I would prefer that the money will make them otherwise, in many other games there is the energy and earn the same.

I am also a bit critical of choosing not to create an open world.

Playing at predetermined missions, it makes the game less vast and a little too linear. The pokemon for Nintendo also had this great, that is, the possibility of exploring the world and always discovering new things.

Having said all this, I must say that the game is worth trying, certainly for those who love pokemon.

However, the two titles mentioned at the beginning, in my opinion are superior.


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3/5 - (5 votes)

Post Author: dnavideochannel

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