Hello everyone, I am launching this new page of my blog to get to know a new blog activity, to allow you to make good free advertising for your work.
Are you an Indie developer? (lately the latter term is used a lot)
Have you created an app or a game that you would like to introduce to the world but you don’t have the time or the ability to create yourself a proper advertising campaign?
Or you are a novice bloggers who have their own technology-themed blog, they want to know your blog and the fruits of his literary genius?
If you fit one of these categories, read on and I will explain how to make free publicity through my site.
Free Advertising for Developers
As for developers, to get free advertising using my site you can offer your products in two possible ways:
- Send a cognitive article about your application or game that is at least 800 words in which you describe in detail the characteristics of your product.
The article must be original (ie not used before by you or even worse plagiarized from some other site) and if accompanied by some pictures would be even better.
In any case, the product and the article will be checked by me for two reasons, check that the rules are respected, and optimize it to get good placements on Google.
In this case, in fact, in addition to the work that is done on the site as a whole, it is important that each article is written with good SEO rules, otherwise it is equivalent to not writing.
- Propose your game or application, report it and ask me to review it.
In this case I will be the one to write the article from scratch, following the same rules as the first case, however it is likely that a lot of time will pass from the moment you send me the product to be reviewed to the time the article is published, as I realize the The article from scratch certainly requires much more time and it is likely that if the idea becomes tangible, I will have several articles to check or write.
Also in this case, games or applications that are more on the theme of my blog will have priority.
In both cases, you could also make videos of your game or application and I will publish them on my YouTube channel:
Also in this case, the video will be published by studying how to position it and thanks also to the class of my channel with its two hundred thousand total views and five thousand monthly visits, it will be more visible than putting a video on YouTube in an unknown channel.
Remember that the rules of YouTube are always valid, so videos that do not respect the copyright rules, the music will not be published so either they are yours or take them from the YouTube Creator, if you need support about it, just ask.
Free advertising for Blogger with Technology target
Compared to the developers, for Bloggers there is not a lot of imagination to get free advertising.
If you are reading this article, it is likely that you are already immersed in the world of SEO and will know that links to your site are better than bread for a blogger.
This is why Blogger offers you the possibility of creating guest articles on my blog with a signature link to your blog.
The type of link will depend on the amount of text, in particular for articles less than 900 words they will be nofollow links.
Other publishing rules are:
- The articles must not be less than 500 words
- The articles must be original (therefore not copied from other sites) and must not be copied even from your site, otherwise you damage my and your site
- Before publication I could intervene on the article to improve its positioning on search engines, for the same reason indicated in the previous paragraph to developers
Why propose your work here and not on a forum?
To make your advertising free, you could try it in many ways.
For example, I see that budding programmers or newborn groups often publish the link of their game or application in the forum where it is allowed to do so.
However, we immediately highlight two problems.
Forums rarely give you this chance, so you will have to spend a lot of time looking for those that allow you to publish your links, otherwise you will be marked as a spammer.
When you have finally found a forum that allows you to post a link to your game, this becomes one of many on that forum, and after a while it will be almost completely forgotten.
On this blog, on the other hand, your game will have its own article and the search engines will find you, not the user who has to pass miles of text and hundreds of images.
My job is free advertising for you
Given what has been said above, you should have already guessed why it might be useful to offer me your work.
However, I will summarize the work I do that costs you nothing:
- Website optimization and global SEO.
- Optimization of every single article to improve its visibility on search engines (Google in particular)
- Optimization of the video SEO so that these are found and not buried in the intricacies of YouTube.
Try searching on Google: Art of Conquest, Share Link, Warlords of Aternum (this is not yet in the first place), and many others of titles that you find on my blog, you will see that even if the blog is not so famous, it is well positioned on Google.
All you are asked for in return is your cooperation to provide me with the material you can work with.
In conclusion, propose yourself to grow …
… and receive free advertising.
Here you will find the form to contact me.
You don’t necessarily have to put your real name if you want to keep your privacy, or use your main mail, it’s enough that we can communicate, otherwise we won’t have the opportunity to set the work to do.
Remember that by sending me an email, you will accept the consent to data processing, you can find the details on the privacy policy page, here you will find the link:
In any case, your email and your name you send will be used only for the purpose of communicating with respect to the context indicated on this page.
[contact-form to=”seldoran@gmail.com” subject=”Contatto sito DNA VIDEO CHANNEL”][contact-field label=”Name” type=”name” required=”1″][contact-field label=”Email” type=”email” required=”1″][contact-field label=”Message” type=”textarea”][contact-field label=”Consent for data processing” type=”checkbox” required=”1″][/contact-form]