Top Android free RPG offline games

Top Android free RPG offline games - pagina 2

Top Android free RPG offline games – Weapon Throwing RPG 2

For those looking to role play different from usual, Throwing Weapon RPG 2 is the apt title.

Its peculiarity lies in how your game characters face combat.

In the classic role-playing games, you are called to choose which is the ability or magic more suitable to use against your opponent.

Or you have to wiggle it at full blast your arms to slice or roast the enemy of the moment.

Top Android free RPG offline games - Weapon Throwing RPG 2 Characters

In this game, the weapons instead should be “thrown.”

Do you have a dagger?

You will launch it to the opponent.

Do you have a spear?

You will launch it to your opponent.

Top Android free RPG offline games - Weapon Throwing RPG 2 Clashes

So far there may be, strangeness is when you have to throw the swords.

You may be wondering what’s so strange about all this, even if it seems strange not certainly this big news.

The real peculiarity lies in how these weapons are launched.

There are three types of weapons with three different trajectories.

Both you and your opponent you will launch the weapons by following one of these trajectories.

The launch speed depends on the weapon and the level of the same, not only by the speed of recovery of the skill points.

If the weapon launched it meets the weapon of the enemy, hit fully the opponent and cause maximum damage.

If the two arms instead collide, if the two are the same cancel each other out.

Otherwise, the strongest weapon will win the duel and continue its run, with a potential for inferior damage.

Do not you remember a bit of paper, scissor, stone?

Top Android free RPG offline games - Weapon Throwing RPG 2 City

To all this is added the ability to purchase weapons, armor and potions, as well as the chance to temper your weapons to improve their offensive potential and decrease the amount of skill points required to launch them.

If what is written will put curiosity to you, download the game from play store:

Download del gioco Weapon Throwing RPG 2


Top Android free RPG offline games – Dungeon quest

Other nice offline RPG action that I found really enjoyable and fun is Dungeon Quest.

Dungeon Quest is the classic role-playing action game with isometric view from above.

As said before, the comparison milestone of this type of games is Diablo and his successors.

Of course, Dungeon Quest can not be compared to Diablo regarding depth and breadth of the game; However, it is a very intense action game and thanks to its dynamism in creating levels, it is also quite varied.

Choose your favorite class among the three available to you: mage, warrior and archer.

Top Android free RPG offline games - Dungeon Quest clashes

The main feature of the game lies in the skill.

The main weapon controls on your core skills that you can use.

The other skills instead unlock using the points you earn by defeating particularly powerful monsters.

Choose carefully what weapon to use and skills, because some really consume mana and your resources may dry up leaving you helpless.

Top Android free RPG offline games - Dungeon Quest Shrine

During the adventure you will find the Shrine that will give you temporary benefits, such as experience, fortune, power, and so on.

And also wells that will restore your life styles or make you recover the magic energy at the highest level.

Top Android free RPG offline games - Dungeon Quest Skill points

As soon as you have gained enough experience, you will increase the level and gain a statistical point that you can invest in one of three possible branches.

Power, Health and mana, each of these will increase some of your key statistics, raising the fighting power.

The choice of what to grow much depends on the class you have chosen at the beginning.

A wizard will surely target mana and put some punctuation on health.

A warrior instead will increase power and health.

In any case, much depends on your playing style and what you want to bet.


If you want to try it, download it from here:

Download del gioco Dungeon Quest


Top Android free RPG offline games – Nonstop Knight

Nonstop Knight can not be considered a pure RPG, it combines classic RPG to, more and more present, idle game.

In fact, this game your hero is a knight that must face hundreds of monsters.

You will not be you to show him the way to go, but will do everything automatically.

You will have to choose the ability to use and when to use it, enhance the equipment and modify both skills and armor, weapon and mantle.

This is a targeted choice just to make the game simple and engaging.

Top Android free RPG offline games - Nonstop Knight skill

Maybe to make it more attractive in the eyes of those who do not like to get lost in the various dungeons and wander around for hours to find the exit.

Fans of RPGs, instead may turn up their noses.

But I have to tell you that not having made it a photocopy of other commercial games, makes it a novelty and addictive.

What’s more is there to say, and here again comes the most part idle game, your hero will continue to fight even when you will not be present and the game closed.

It will alert only when you have to face very strong boss or you will have gained much gold to invest in upgrades.

Nonstop Knight is the classic game where you can not stop even if you want it.

Top Android free RPG offline games - Nonstop Knight combat

Maybe you’re looking to play something stupid and repetitive.

But due to its simplicity and the speed with which actions are made, especially thanks to the ascension, the game is frantic and engaging.

But what is ascension?

The idle game lovers will surely have already understood what it is.

Top Android free RPG offline games - Nonstop Knight ascension

Starting at level 20, you can choose to restart the game, earning awards, including coins you’ll need to upgrade your hero.

For example, double gain of coins, increase in percentage of damage inflicted is with abilities that without and so on.

You will face everything from the beginning but with a much stronger hero and will complete the initial levels in a few minutes, and then get to higher levels ready to face the new monsters.

Without ascension, you could not face ever greater dangers.

If you want to try it, remember that it is also offline and completely free (it will only ask you occasionally if you want to see a video to give you prizes, but you can fine refuse it), here is the link to the download:

Download the game Nonstop Knight



And to you which of these games like best?

Do you have others to recommend?

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Post Author: dnavideochannel

7 thoughts on “Top Android free RPG offline games


    (Saturday February 18th, 2017 - 03:14 PM)

    Io ci ho giocato su the Dark Book e ho notato che ogni volta che carica un livello e muoio mi ritrovo con tutto quello che avevo fino a quel momento, quindi penso che ad ogni caricamento salva la partita anche se non salvi manualmente.

      Andrea Di Nora

      (Tuesday February 21st, 2017 - 09:19 PM)

      Ho finalmente trovato il tempo per rigiocarci.
      Ho visto che il salvataggio avviene al cambio di schermata, però da quel momento, se muori perdi sia l’esperienza che gli oggetti e l’oro guadagnato.
      Credo sia una scelta dello sviluppatore, però magari andrebbe reso più chiaro durante un tutorial iniziale.


        (Tuesday February 21st, 2017 - 11:30 PM)

        Quale tutorial? Del gioco ( che non c’è) o del tuo video?

          Andrea Di Nora

          (Tuesday February 21st, 2017 - 11:40 PM)

          Del gioco.

          Solitamente per introdurre i giocatori alle caratteristiche del gioco, viene proposto un breve tutorial che spiega il funzionamento del gioco.

          Per evitare ai giocatori che magari dopo mezz’ora di gioco vengono uccisi perchè attaccati da tre mostri contemporaneamente e reiniziare tutto da capo (come è successo a me la prima volta).


            (Tuesday March 14th, 2017 - 11:55 AM)

            Cosa cambieresti nel salvataggio?

            Andrea Di Nora

            (Tuesday March 14th, 2017 - 01:20 PM)

            Per evitare che chi magari non lo sa e inizia a expare per ore e gli capita di morire senza aver mai cambiato scenario o chiusa l’applicazione, io aggiungerei il salvataggio automatico ogni tot minuti e la possibilità di creare i propri salvataggi (se ti parte il salvataggio automatico mentre ti sta inseguendo il boss di turno che ti uccide in un sol colpo, capirai che non è bello).
            In alternativa, sempre per rendere meno frustrante il gioco secondo me bisognerebbe aggiungere alla morte il ritorno in automatico in città invece di riprendere dall’ultimo salvataggio.
            In questo modo tutti i progressi non andrebbero perduti e il salvataggio attuale sarebbe più che sufficiente. Rimarebbe fuori solo il caso estremo in cui si scarica il dispositivo o lo si chiude in maniera forzoso.

    Andrea Di Nora

    (Saturday February 18th, 2017 - 05:43 PM)

    Appena posso controllo. Al momento dell’articolo mi è capitato più volte di morire, in quanto stavo ancora prendendo le misure e mi son trovato con diversi mostri che mi attaccavano. Mi sono ritrovato in città come se avessi appena iniziato. Può darsi che il problema sia già stato corretto.

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